Thursday, July 19, 2007

I could be

Today is the 200th day of 2007. That means that I am over half way through the year and I feel like I haven't accomplished really any of the goals I set for myself this year except going back to school. I was supposed to start going to the gym again, organize my papers on my desk, start making weekly grocery lists, work in my art journal more often, take more photos, send monthly packages to my sisters, get my teeth cleaned, and close one of our bank accounts open another. It is also less than one month until school starts (ick) and a short two weeks until I enter my 30th decade on Earth. Time is flying by and I feel as though I am just treading water. I need to find a way to do the crawl stroke or at the very least the back stroke (my personal favorite because it is pretty much like floating and moving just a little, of course I always end up going cock-eyed and bumping my head on the side of the pool) but anyway, what I mean is making a move in some direction rather than just complacently staying in the same spot. I need a plan. I want my 30's to be totally amazing, I've got big plans in the works...more on that later.

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