Wednesday, November 21, 2007

And another thing

I am so tired of being fat. This morning I spent 20 minutes trying to find something to wear that would properly cover my gut, butt and boobs. I want to wear a huge sweat suit every day. Something 2 sizes too big that I can hide in. Wade told me last night that he heard about a study done proving a relationship between sleep deprivation for new mom’s and loosing the baby weight. Pretty much confirming what we already knew, Mom’s that don’t sleep don’t loose the baby weight. I haven’t slept for 2 years. I have gained back all 26 lbs from my pregnancy…only I am no longer carrying around a 7 lb baby…now it is a 7 lbs gut. I am thinking about not taking any classes next semester just so that I can go to the gym. Otherwise I am not sure that I will be able to find any time to do it and I HAVE to exercise. I can’t be a healthy person without some physical activity. But good lord, I need to finish school already....this is just ridiculous.

My coworker baby talks to her husband. She has to be almost 60 years old and I am pretty sure he is even older than she is. Just now I heard her say "Oh I know but you have to eat something. If you wait until I get home then it is going to be almost 4 and then you won't want to eat because you'll spoil your dinner. Can you make a peanut butter and jelly? You can toast it if you want? Okay. Love you." Now read that again only remember that it is all in baby talk to a grown man. Annoying huh? I get to listen to that stuff all day.

I hate it when people walk by, make eye contact and then nod. A nod is not a smile. It doesn't count. Just smile. It is much easier and friendlier.

The no-food grumpiness is really starting to set in now. I have eaten all the nuts I have stockpiled in my desk for a rainy day and the Ziploc bag full of stale cheerios that I put in my purse for Henry several weeks ago. I am about to eat that orange I found under a stack of paperwork yesterday. It has to be at least a month old. Come on it's the day before Thanksgiving, aren't they supposed to feed us something in appreciation for our hard work?

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