Thursday, November 1, 2007

Things that make me happy Thursday

I had my third exam today. I’ve realized why it is much much better to finish college as a young person. Frankly, I just don’t have time for this crap. Everyday I have a choice-jump in the leaves with my son and husband or study how the notochord forms in chick embryos….it’s a no brainer. So, again the exam creeps up on me and again I go in unprepared and only half invested. Whatever, I don’t think I failed it and that is good enough for me….I guess that is a function of age too, I really could care less if I get an A or C I just want to pass it and knock one more shitty class off the list so I can finish up this seemingly never-ending college experience. But the exam is over and we only have 8 classes left in the semester. And that makes me happy.

Preparing for an exam is stressful but it’s hard to be too bummed about it. I woke up this morning feeling a little more rested, went to bed early and my hubby took care of Henry’s nighttime calls so that I could be rested for my test. On our drive to Gigi and Grandpa’s this morning Henry was cracking me up talking about how he needs more Mentholatum (I don’t even know how to spell it so I really can’t figure out how a not-quite-2-year-old could figure out how to say it). The cool air met the warm river water and caused a light fog to form over the river making our drive over the bridge this morning quite lovely. The sun rising in the background and the red, yellow and orange trees with the fog was picturesque and made me wish that I had my camera, but a photo couldn’t have captured how lovely it was in real life, so instead we just drove really slow and I explained the “smoke on river?” to Henry. I love that I can finally have conversations with this kid. I remember not quite 2 years ago looking at him and wishing I could understand what he needed, now he can tell me what he needs (apparently today it's Mentholatum) and that makes me happy.

Once we got off the bridge I turned up NPR just in time for Carl Kasell to tell us that the Phelps clan might just be getting a tiny slice of what they deserve from a family in Baltimore. Apparently they protested at the funeral of a soldier who was killed in Iraq and the father of that soldier sued them and won-$11 million dollars in damages. The family will of course fight the ruling but you know, I am eternally optimistic and believe that people who fill their lives full of hate will eventually get their come-up-ins. Karma will get ya. The Phelps are disgusting human beings that ooze a message of hate so foul and hurtful that $11 million doesn’t even really touch it but it’s a start and quite frankly I am just thrilled that someone had the guts to stand up to them. And this makes me very happy.


Lisa said...

All of those things, are very happy things indeed! Your sharing shows a picture and I enjoy your words...You are a blogger extraordinair.

[I can't image what you are going through with school--ick, I about made myself sick trying to be done with it as soon as possible. I love class, but homework, exams--just something else to occupy your brain with mediocrity.

I think we would learn so much more in an environment that uses the classroom as an experience and treats the student as thirsty traveler not a function within a days habituals. Just don't get me started... another reason to challenge the nervous system with unnecessary stresses when rather that occupation could actually be directed toward the function of Learning. If that makes any sense.]

In general all I meant to say is, I always enjoy your "happy Thursdays"

(I should write a blog at education! ha, maybe I will).

Laura said...

Makes total sense! A blog post about education would be awesome. I like doing Happy Thursdays because sometimes I am not feeling so happy and it snaps me out of it.

Ever thought of teaching? You would be a great art teacher or grade school Montessori or kindergarten...??