Where have I been, you ask? Well, moving and other drama has taken me away from the computer for a few weeks. Plus, I was beginning to wonder if I could write a post that wasn't super grumpy complaniness. I have a long one sitting here right now, waiting for me to push "Publish" but I don't know if I will. It's a funny thing, you start a blog to talk about things that are on your mind and then you tell people about it and then you have to start watching what you say. I stumbled onto a blog the other day that was one of three for this girl and this particular one was a no-apologies-I-am-going-to-complain-maybe-offend kind of blog set up just for that reason. She had a disclaimer, I am going to write how I feel, uncensored, you have been warned. I wondered, should I do one of those, but I can hardly handle the two blogs I do already.
I am a bit of a grump today. Just feeling really taken advantage of. I have a lot of people in my life right now who very rarely show any concern or interest in my endeavours but expect me to listen to their lives, stories, thoughts, concerns, interruptions, self-doubts...I feel exhausted. So maybe I will post that complaining blog and you can read it if you want, if not then whatever....I won't know any better.
On a more positive note though, I am getting excited about painting our house. We are painting the door orange this weekend.
One of my blog friends posted these a while back and I am going to make some this weekend. They are pushpins for the bulletin board that I really could care less if I "need" or not, I am going to get...if only for the pins. Look at the sublime cuteness...

FINALLY! I've been checking daily for updates.
Get your buttons from Hancock (go in the door, turn left, walk a bit and look on the wall - tons of sizes and the cheapest place I can find them). They also have cute little fat quarters on a twirly rack back by the table where they cut the fabric.
Wal-Mart (as much as I hate it) has the thumbtacks to fit the wedding dress sized button.
If you want to adorn your fridge, get the 7/8" size button and grab the 3/4" size magnets in the craft section at Wal-Mart. 1-1/2" buttons with 1-1/4" magnets from Hobby Lobby are nicely paired for something a little bigger.
HAVE FUN! I'm button obsessed!
Excellent! I was trying to think of other places to use the buttons and couldn't come up with anything. Henry will love more magnets to play with. Thanks for the advice.
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