Sunday, August 19, 2007


I found a way to combine two of my favorite things-cupcakes and knitting.....


VivifyPenelopePie said...

Those are sooo cool! Did you make them?

Thank you for the picture comments. It is amazing what taking new photos does for a persons perspective. I am feeling much better after a weekend of shudder action!

We have to get together! How can we make that happen? This week I'm in Dallas after Thursday--but next week I'm game...Even if you don't want to go anywhere--messy houses aside, I don't care, but I would love to see you...Henry, the combination of the two--however is easiest. And knitting. Bought yarn, needles, the book--it has been a year and after a couple failed attempts and feeling like a complete idiot for not following instructions well--I know I just need someone to show me once and I'll have it down...of course--time is of the essence--so let me know!

miss.supafly said...

Oooh! Did you make those? They look so cute!

Laura said...

Yeah, I made them over the weekend with my friend Molly. It was my first attempt at marzapan. The yarn balls and little fabric sections were pretty easy, making the flowers and animals was not so easy. We didn't have a camera at my friends house so I had to borrow the images from the website that I got the instructions from. It was fun but I like actual knitting better. And Lisa, if you want to learn to knit I would be happy to show you how. I have family in town this week and next and then I have my first exam so maybe mid-September. I don't think it will take you long to catch on.
