Thursday, September 6, 2007

The edge

My family is always teetering on disaster. We are always just one car breaking down, one sick day, one day without a babysitter, away from breaking down. My Mom is sick. She calls me yesterday to tell me that she is throwing up and her throat hurts and she has Henry gated in the living room while she lays on the couch trying not to breath on him. She sounds terrible and must feel awful because it takes a lot to get that woman on the sofa for a whole 24 hours. For us it is terrible timing. Wade has deadlines, I am right at the start of the month so my billings have to be completed by Friday. And I have no vacation time left, so I really can't leave work. Wade leaves to pick Henry up and it spirals downhill from there. His van overheats. I double pay on student loans pretty much emptying our bank account. I have an exam in 4 days and have not looked at a book or read a note in weeks. Our house is a disaster zone. Henry is busy busy busy, no time for quiet play while Mom and Dad clean the dishes or throw in a load of laundry. It's chaos. I really don't know how people do this.


VivifyPenelopePie said...

I can probably babysit for you some next week! I told Julie I would help her with her kids, but the more the merrier...and Henry bean, well--that would certainly be a pleasure!~Lisa

VivifyPenelopePie said...

I'm serious! If I can help at all--let me know. I'm in between jobs and happy to be of assistance. I am working at the ren-fest all weekend, so I'll call when I get a chance, or you can always call me...785.760-0716. hugs

Laura said...

You are so sweet Lisa. Thank you! I will call you.
