Saturday, December 1, 2007


The practicalities of everyday life are really taking it out of me today. I am discouraged. I wonder how an “Average Joe” can live his life without feeling as though he has compromised.


Lisa said...

I am right there with you today. I too feel discouraged. Life is odd isn't it. Gather belongings...clean and organize belongings...eventually use

long time coming said...

I made your leek and potato soup tonight, sans-biscuits because I was too nervous to attempt them. It went pretty well, except I didn't have any fresh thyme so I used the dried condensed kind. And boy, if you thought your's had too much thyme... haha

Kelly Family Blog said...

Good for you Bella! That recipe is kind of a tough one. We can do the biscuits together one of these days so you get some practice, they are actually pretty easy, although I have also messed them up twice maybe not...
Yeah, you're supposed to use something like 1/3 as much when you use a dry spice instead of a fresh one...oh well...I'm proud of you for trying.