Saturday, February 23, 2008

save some trees

yes, we all recycle and try to do "our part" as much as we can, but can one simple change make a big impact?

from "good:"

*the website is calling for printer owners everywhere to take the simple step of, well, changing their margins from the current luxurious standard 1.25 inches to a the more modest .75 inches. It may sound like a small change, but if everyone in the nation did it, we’d save a little less than a Rhode Island’s worth of trees every year. Does tinkering with Word’s cumbersome preferences scare the fonts right out of you? Don't stress, it's easy and you won't be able to tell a difference.

Changing your margins in Microsoft Word:
Go to “File,” then “Page Setup.”
Once on “Page Setup,” click the “Default” key, and you’ll be offered “Do you want to change the default settings for the page set up? This change will affect all new documents based on the normal template.”
Set each margin to .75 and save some trees.