Sunday, February 24, 2008


Today at the grocery store Henry said "Mama, that lady looks like you."
I scanned the area searching for someone that looked like me. There were 5 people in the area, none of them looked like me.

"Where?" I asked.
"Right there, Mama. Right there." He pointed straight ahead.
Wade said, "I bet it is the women right there, with the pony tail."

"You mean the pregnant one?"
"Yeah, um....I'm pretty sure."

This was not a women with a cute little baby bump...this women was about to give birth right then and there in the produce department.

I need to go on a diet.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You should take Saturday morning walks with your good friend Lisa...maybe, I don't know...just an idea.

It is possible perhaps that Henry was responding to what we were talking about. He is very verbal, but still very young. He might have had that response to her maternal air--the way small children seem to do with pregnant woman, he related her to you for that reason, I'm sure of it! I miss that maternal air myself--but it did make children treat me as they would their mother, with endearments, affection, and often staring! Henry is just more analytical about it!

Great kid you have there.