i feel inspired. i can't wait to stick my hands in the dirt and smell fresh cut grass and feel sunshine on my shoulders and sleep with the windows open.
i have been doing some embroidery. it's funny, i loved to embroider as a child but as an adult it was just something i set aside as childish and not creative. i have realized that it is neither of those things and that I can make some beautiful stuff and be proud of it. i have a bird pillow in the works. i will post a picture when it is finished.
i have this urge to bake bread. i know, it's weird, i can't explain it. something about having the kitchen window open makes me want to bake bread. i made raspberry bread on monday. i might make some strawberry bread tonight.
Yesterday was lovely... a few more weeks and it will be more consistent! How exciting.
Raspberry bread, how was it? Mom makes some mean bread, but she never really tries new things. She made me strawberry bread last week, and mmmm.
I thought I'd take this moment, since we can't stop playing phone tag, to let you know that I would love to take the tart class. The expense is fine, no problems there and will request off for the 22nd this weekend.
Finally, dinner at mom and dad's Friday?
Hey sweetie. It is a sad state when two sisters that live in the same town can't seem to keep in touch... :)
The raspberry bread was interesting. It would have been great if I would have kept it in the over for just a couple more minutes. You should try making strawberry bread, it is super easy.
Cool. Mom signed us up for the tart class (and paid for it) yesterday. Whoo-hoo.
Yes, Friday sounds great. There is a KU game at 6. Mom mentioned something about ordering pizza :)
I heard you declared a major. You are so fab! K, see you tomorrow.
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