Thursday, May 15, 2008


Life feels heavy today. Cyclones and earthquakes and wildfires and volcanoes and gay bashing and loss. What I might say on this blog seems irrelevant and minuscule. I suppose this is why people pray, to have a place to put all the heartache and sadness so that they can move on to worrying about things like gas prices and parking spots. In a way I am secretly glad that gas is so expensive. Yes, listening to people fret about it and complain is so tiresome and frustrating...but it is clear to me that it is the ONLY way that some people will even think about their energy consumption. People that have not put one thought or effort into thinking about their contribution to our global crisis that is causing, I believe, catastrophic events like what has happened in China and Burma these past weeks, are now thinking about taking the bus or carpooling or buying a hybrid car. It makes me sad to know that money is what it takes to make people care about our planet and the gas prices have hit my family just as hard as everyone elses, but I will deal with it if it means that people will act and live in a way that is better for the planet. I want there to be something here for my grandchildren.
On that note did you know that reducing your red meat/dairy consumption by 20% will reduce your carbon footprint as much as driving a hybrid car. 20% That is what, 2 less burgers a week and maybe a salad one night instead of a supreme pizza.


Playground Explorers said...

Better yet, buy a hybrid car and reduce your red meat/dairy consumption (OK, I'm not doing so well on the dairy part, but we eat very little red meat). With gas prices rising, I love my hybrid more than ever. I agree about the rising gas prices--it seems like we need something like this to really get us to start making changes. Of course, that's easy for me to say--we already have a hybrid and Matthew prefers to ride the bus anyway. Still, the prices are pretty staggering--I remember when it wasn't all that unusual for prices to dip below a dollar per gallon!

Lisa said...

I left you a long comment and then it was "unable to complete my request" and lost it. ugh. We'll talk soon.