Friday, November 2, 2007

Friday Five

Things that come easy to me....
1) Parallel parking
2) Memorizing song lyrics
3) Forgiveness
4) Laughter
5) Giving my opinion

Things that I am not so good at…
1) Public Speaking
2) Singing without going flat (doesn’t stop me though)
3) Phonics
4) Riding in airplanes
5) Picking up after myself

Give me what you got.....


Lisa said...

Things that come easy to me....
1)art compositions
2)good first impressions
3) directions (and parallel parking ;))anything driving
4) being affectionate
5) procrastinating

Things that I am not so good at…
1)keeping things clean and organized (I'm a mess)
2) living in the moment
3) sending thank you cards, b-day cards, christmas bad at that
4) patience
5) waking up in the morning

Laura said...

Thanks for playing Lisa. I am terrible at sending thank you cards too, it is one of those things that I really wish I was good at. I need to be more organized, I think that is all it really takes.

Looks like it may just be the two of us for Friday Fives. Let me know if you come up with any good ideas for one.